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  • Summer Fashion Trends In Pakistan

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Top 10 Beaches of United States of America

Beaches are very popular all over the world. Beaches and resorts are very good source to attract tourist towards any country. Whether a country's structure is well developed or not but if a country has some unique and beautiful beaches then they get tourists' attraction from all over the world.  United states of America is a most popular country in whole world. There are hundreds and thousands of unique and pleasant places in America...

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Summer Fashion Trends In Pakistan

As we all are aware of the trends in fashion but there are sometimes very minor details which need to be noticed else your complete makeover n dressing can be ruined such as how to carry your dress. A girl wants to always look in trend, pretty and elegant, hence they try all those things that is in fashion but they do forget that every dress, every nail paint and etc might not suit them. Therefore it is very important that you choose...

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

A Friend Who Moved Away

Sometimes I wonder if time were came back. If  time ever gave us all the wonderful moments to live again that passed away in a blink of an eye. Seldom I wish I had been given more time to thank, to pay back, to apologize, but my thoughts had died inside me. Time never comes back!  Its All About Friendship Often, I remember the first years of my school, when I was not able to even speak properly, the new faces used to perplex...

Monday, 8 July 2013

Now Google Will Help You in Healthy Food Selection

Google's Nutritional Information If you are on dieting and very conscious  about your food selection. When you pick a piece of cheese or any food you want to know that how much calories you are going to eat and you have not any device or available source so it can tell you about calories. Now you do not need to worry about your food selection because your problem has been solved. This time your problem solver is the company which is...

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Attractions of Paris

Paris At Night One beautiful romantic place, which is more of 'City of Lights' as it has always been on top of the lists for all the adventure seekers and the tourists. Paris is full of colors and lights; Its mass attraction sites draw attention of millions of people from around the glob...